People with an addiction who want to quit their addiction and start over might greatly benefit from drug rehabilitation programs. It’s critical for those pursuing therapy and their loved ones to be aware of these programs’ success statistics. Five important topics about the effectiveness of drug rehabilitation programs will be covered in this article.
1. Varied Success Metrics:
The percentage of people who successfully finish a drug recovery program is known as the completion rate, and it offers information about program engagement and retention. Increased completion rates imply that the program successfully maintains participants’ commitment and motivation for the healing process. The percentage of people who continue to abstain …
Aaron Glantz
SAN FRANCISCO, Oct 17 2007 (IPS) – On Sep. 19, Kay McMullen had the last conversation she ever would with her son, Gerald Cassidy, or G.J., as he was known to his family and friends.
Sgt. Gerald G.J. Cassidy Credit: Cassidy Family
A sergeant in the Indiana National Guard, G.J. had been injured in Iraq by a roadside bomb in June 2006. He returned to the U.S. five months ago, and was receiving inpatient medical care through the Wounded Warrior Transition Programme at Fort Knox, Kentucky.
As they talked on the phone, the 32-year-old father of two com…
Tran Dinh Thanh Lam – Newsmekong
CAN THO, Vietnam, Jun 30 2008 (IPS) – The bustling city of Can Tho is the capital of southern Vietnam s fertile Mekong Delta and one of the country s two main rice baskets. Good food in abundance makes it an ideal place to raise ducks and chickens, but this also means it is also one of the most high-risk areas in the country for bird flu.
While new outbreaks of the disease threaten the entire country, as harvest season gets underway officials are urging farmers in the Delta to be particularly vigilant.
This is the time of the year when the whole of the Mekong Delta should keep our wits about bird flu, Nguyen Trong, a senior official in Can Tho s Department of Agriculture and Rural Development and a member of the local Bird Flu Control…
KIEV, May 30 2013 (IPS) – As a hepatitis C pandemic rages among drug users and threatens the lives of millions around the world, a group of high-level leaders called today on governments to reform their drug policies and raise awareness about the public health threat of hepatitis C.
Sharing needles among injecting drug users is the main driver of the spread of hepatitis C in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. Credit: Lauri Rantala/CC by 2.0
In a major new report, the , which includes former president…